Do you have redness, tenderness, or swelling in your gums? Are you experiencing a throbbing toothache? You may have a dental abscess. This condition occurs when pus builds up in your gums or tooth due to an infection. An abscessed tooth needs urgent dental care because it may evolve into sepsis if left untreated! When you […]
If you come to see us at Dentistry on Parkdale with concerns about your oral health, our dentist in Hamilton, Ontario and nearby areas will do everything possible to save your tooth. In some situations, the best answer is to extract a decayed or damaged tooth. What do you need to know about oral care […]
Trusted Hamilton dentist explains dental removal procedures for wisdom teeth While their name may imply greater knowledge, wisdom teeth, or the third set of molars all the way in the back of your mouth, don’t provide dental patients with any advantages. Instead, as Hamilton-area dentist Dr. Karen Ho explains, wisdom teeth earned their common name […]