Tooth loss is something that we want to treat right away. Living without teeth for any amount of time affects your self-image and much more. Tooth loss, whether a few teeth or toothlessness, increases the risk of oral and systemic health conditions. Dr. Karen Ho of Dentistry on Parkdale offers patients care that is designed around their needs. Full and partial dentures are a time-tested method of tooth replacement that can give you back your smile and your confidence.
Tooth replacement may be approached in several ways, dentures being just one option. Some of the other treatments that may be discussed include dental implants and fixed bridgework. Each form of care has its own advantages and disadvantages. Knowing and considering them will help you select the most suitable restoration to achieve your best smile.
Denture appliances are made of plastic resin. A gum-colored base, which holds the artificial teeth, fits over the gums and it is intended to remain stable via natural suction. The artificial teeth in the denture look just like natural teeth thanks to high-quality materials and attention to detail in designing shape, size, and color. The fact that dentures require strong suction makes fit a priority. The upper denture spans the palate, which typically results in sufficient support for comfort and functionality. Due to the small size and horseshoe shape of the lower alveolar bone, lower dentures may require a bit of additional support at some point. This may come from a few strategically inserted dental implants or from the use of denture adhesive.
A partial denture may be made to restore function and attractiveness to the smile after a few teeth have been lost or removed. This appliance looks very similar to the fixed dental bridge, except that there are “gums.” The partial denture and bridge also differ in structure, with the partial denture being a removable appliance.
Several factors may be involved in the loss of natural teeth. Some of the common reasons we see patients experience tooth loss include poor hygiene, disease, health conditions, traumatic injury to the mouth, nutritional deficiency, and advanced gum disease. Tooth loss affects every area of your life due to the enormous role teeth play in confidence and wellbeing. Dr. Ho and her team strive to preserve natural tooth structure through personalized preventative dental care. We encourage patients to visit us at the first sign of a dental problem, and work quickly to repair damage. Additionally, we demonstrate and provide support to help our patients enjoy lifelong oral health.
In the event that a tooth or teeth need to be replaced, we focus on the best possible fit and an appearance that suits the individual. The team at Dentistry on Parkdale has years of training and experience in the area of tooth replacement. Should you need a full or partial denture, we will provide you with the necessary details and the support you need to enjoy your healthiest smile.
Call 905-547-4940 to schedule your visit.

Dr. Karen Ho is a trusted dentist serving patients of all ages in Hamilton, Ontario. Having studied at prestigious institutes such as McMaster University and University of Toronto and trained at Hartford Hospital (General Practice Residency), she opened her private practice in 2003.
Dr. Ho is committed to lifelong learning as she believes that she can serve her community better by constantly updating herself. She is affiliated with many professional organisations like the Academy of General Dentistry, Institute for Clinical Practice of Pediatric Dentistry, The Dawson Academy Study Club, Niagara Peninsula Dental Diagnostic Study Club, Hamilton Chapter of the Seattle Study Club (Founding Member), and Boston and Tufts Universities.